Wood is a natural raw and building material that is locally available in the region, grows back and actively contributes to climate protection. Contrary to conventional building materials, wood has three positive effects that protect our climate: First of all, one cubic metre of wood stores one ton of harmful CO2. Secondly, the production of wood-based products causes less CO2 and thirdly, the use of wood instead of traditional building materials prevents CO2 emissions during their production. As you can see, wood is a jack of all trades!
We at Mayr-Melnhof Holz have been treating and processing this jack of all trades we call wood (that we source from sustainably managed forests) since 1850 using our sawmills and wood processing plants.
#mm #mmholz #mayrmelnhofholz #whereideascangrow #woideenwachsenkönnen #rohstoffholz #rawmaterialwood #baustoffholz #werkstoffholz #bauenmitholz #holzbau #timberconstruction #builtwithwood #nachhaltigkeit #sustainability